In Queue

Here's what's coming. As always, feel free to contact us.
Personal Observation Tower
Lightweight observation tower for personal use.
Slideshow: Personal Observation Tower
Individual Renderings (same as those in the slideshow): Basic Components, Assembled into Sections, Sections Combined into a Structural Unit, Stacked Structural Units, Adding Stairway, Stacked Structures with Stairway, Assembled Tower, Top Deck, Side View 1, Side View 2.
Wildlife Viewing Walkway
Walkway and viewing towers for a wildlife refuge.
Slideshow: Wildlife Viewing Walkway
Individual Renderings (same as those in the slideshow): Overview, Turn, Overview, Side, Overview, Side 2, Main Deck 1, Main Deck 2, Along Walkway, Start of Walkway, Side, Top Span, Main Tower Skeleton 1, Main Tower Skeleton 2, Top Layout, Side Layout.
Clear-Span Shelter
A play area, small sports venue, animal training facility, etc. - this structure can be constructed quickly for short or long term applications.
Slideshow: Clear-Span Shelter
Individual Renderings (same as those in the slideshow): View 1, View 2, View 3, View 4.
Wind-Shedding Review Tower
A review tower with some protection from the cold and the wind.
Slideshow: Wind-Shedding Review Platform
Individual Renderings (same as those in the slideshow): Full View, Deck and Shelter.
Suspended Deck and Retreat
Platform and small shelter suspended in the trees.
Individual Renderings: Full View.